cardcosmos rewards

Collect points. Save money. Enjoy exclusive rewards.

Welcome to the cardcosmos loyalty program!

Your loyalty will be rewarded! With every purchase at cardcosmos you collect loyalty points that you can easily redeem for discounts and great rewards.

Collect loyalty points with every purchase and redeem them for discounts on future purchases.

How it works


Register or log in now and start collecting points immediately!

receive rewards

For every euro you spend, you receive loyalty points.

redeem points

Use your loyalty points for discounts on your next purchase.

The more you buy, the more loyalty rewards you collect – and the more you can save!
I love how quickly you get rewarded here – a loyalty program that is really worth it!
The loyalty program is brilliant – collecting points and great rewards is simply fun!
Quickly collect points and redeem your first reward – super easy!
The rewards are great and I'm always happy to redeem points!
Great idea with the different levels

Collect loyalty points with every order and redeem them for great rewards and discounts!

Frequently Asked Questions